Tumble Dryers

We can supply a comprehensive selection of commercial tumble dryers to cater for all needs from the smallest on-premise laundry to the largest commercial installations and available in the following two main types.

Vented models pump out the hot and damp air from the drum through a flexible hose to the outside, so you will need the dryer to be next to a wall or window. The machine can be permanently vented through an outside wall using a venting kit - most models come with their own kit. Or you can temporarily hang a flexible hose out of a window when the machine is in use. Clearly, this temporary method is not ideal during cold or wet weather. The vented tumble dryers are the more traditional type of dryer, and tend to be the cheapest models.

Condensers don’t require you to connect the exhaust hose through a vent to the outside, and can be conveniently situated anywhere in your business. They work by condensing the steam inside the machine and turning it into water. This is collected in a removable container or reservoir. The containers easily pull out and can be emptied into the sink when full. Most machines will have an indicator light to let you know when the container needs to be emptied.

Not sure what you need? Just call 01304 827272 and ask for our laundry specialist.