Water Boilers & Water Coolers

Water Boilers & Water Coolers Best Sellers
AutoFill Water Boilers
Manufactured to the highest standard, our automatic water boilers are permanently plumbed in to the mains water supply to ensure that hot water is always available for your customers and staff.
A hot water boiler is great for use in your kitchen, cafeteria, buffet, or office break room and provides hot water for any cooking or brewing applications. Choose from an adjustable or fixed temperature commercial hot water dispenser and from a variety of capacities for convenient use in your food service operation. These models come in many capacities and sizes to suit any number of customers and counter spaces.
Manual Fill Water Boilers
A Manual fill Water Boiler or Tea Urn, is ideal for the smaller caterer or mobile catering trailer.
Our manual-fill water boilers are manufactured to the highest standard, using top quality components. They are easy to use and meet the most stringent safety standards.
Water Coolers
A plumbed in or mains fed Commercial Drinking Water Cooler, is the ideal office solution that saves you money and helps the environment.
Save on the cost of bottled water delivery with a plumbed in cooler, that delivers a constant supply of fresh tasting chilled water on tap, removes the need to order or store bulky bottles, no more administrative headaches, health and safety problems and no risk of running out even in the middle of summer!